Opérations extérieures
Admiral Highlights Southcom’s Strengthened Partnerships
U.S. Southern Command is strengthening interagency cooperation as well as partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean to address evolving security threats.
Opérations extérieures
U.S. Southern Command is strengthening interagency cooperation as well as partnerships in Latin America and the Caribbean to address evolving security threats.
A la veille de sa visite en France avec la Reine Rania, Sa Majesté le Roi Abdullah II de Jordanie a accordé un entretien exclusif au Palais royal d’Amman à Christian Malar, rédacteur-en-Chef à France 3. Un premier […]
Remarks by His Majesty King Abdullah II upon receiving the « Prix annuel pour son courage et sa vision de l’avenir du Moyen-Orient » given by the Association de Politique étrangère de la Sorbonne. Tuesday, September 30 2003 Paris. Source : […]
It is true that this deeply rooted change in Jordan is not yet physically visible and does not necessarily generate spectacular media fallout, However, major peaceful transformations often happen flying on a dove’s wings. His […]
Interview granted in Amman by His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan to Christian Malar, Editor-in-chief at France 3 Television. Images: Jordanian TV. Source: Communication & Information Division, The Royal Hashemite Court, Amman, Jordan, September 28, 2003. (Begin transcript) […]
The Taliban regime’s policies have led to the starvation of the Afghan people; we are trying to feed them. They have been destroying Afghanistan; we want to rebuild it. Speech by British Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, […]
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