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No Way Back

Putin’s illegal annexations announcement speech took us on a mind-bending ride into an alternative reality and his followers off the cliff with him. This week one of the central elements in the pro-Kremlin disinformation ecosystem […]

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Burning Bridges, Breaking Contracts

Following Putin’s toxic and disinformation-laden speech last week, the main topics that have been reverberating through the pro-Kremlin disinformation ecosystem are ‘partial mobilisation’ and the sham ‘referendums’, or obscenities, that took place in temporarily Russian-occupied territories in Ukraine. […]

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The Dangerous case of Nuclear Corners

The past ten days have been very busy for Russian disinformation outlets and their amplifiers throughout the pro-Kremlin disinformation ecosystem. On 19 September, the puppet officials of the Russian-occupied territories in the Luhansk, Kherson, and […]

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Putin Scaremongering – A Quick Guide

Putin’s partial mobilisation and support to sham referendums in the occupied territories follow the Kremlin playbook: fake public support, push for escalation, and blackmail. All this against the backdrop of increased repression with tougher laws […]

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Without You

Successful Ukrainian counter-offensive exposes cracks in Russian infosphere, but colonial attitudes and toxic hate speech still prevail inspiring more atrocities. Launched in the Kharkiv region it has dominated the news recently. Source: EU vs DiSiNFO […]