2023-1122_Weapons Smuggling

Weaponising Weapons Deliveries

Most forms of kinetic warfare require weapons to sustain it. Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is no exception. Consequently, after Russia’s full-scale invasion, Ukraine’s international partners deli-vered substantial amounts of weaponry, armaments, and military equipment to the country to support its fight for freedom and independence. For Ukrainians, this military support is the most immediate means of protecting their land against invaders and holding the aggressor accountable. For pro-Kremlin disinforma-tion outlets, however, any military aid to Ukraine, particularly coming from its Western partners, presents an opportunity to drum up fears about these weapons and armaments illicitly spreading beyond Ukraine. Let’s examine how pro-Kremlin disinformation outlets have used allegations of illicit weapons diversions to drive fear, sow divisions, and erode support to Ukraine. Specifically, we will zoom in on pro-Kremlin allegations about one type of weaponry known as small arms and light weapons, or SALWs. […]

EuvsDiSiNFO_Behind-the ads

Something Dark Hiding Behind the Ads

The EEAS has uncovered a coordinated anti-Western campaign on Facebook that leans on sophisticated techniques to hide its creators tracks. Advertising is a big driver of the digital economy. But not all that glitters is gold. Recently, we detected over 1,000 sponsored Facebook posts, 188 of them unique, promoting anti-Western and anti-Ukrainian content. Facebook pages masquerading as online shops and categorised as ‘Musician/Band’ pages were the source of these ads. The manipulation campaign we unravelled was – or rather is, as some of the pages are still online – international in nature. Out of the 658 ads we could access at the time of discovery, 318 were in German, 321 in French, 14 in Ukrainian, and 5 in Hebrew. The actors behind the campaign put in a good effort to hide their tracks. Out of 1,000 total ads, every fourth one contained a web address belonging to 105 distinct domains. The Facebook pages promoting the ads were all created between June and October of this year. […]


Local Elections in Moldova: New Votes, Old Disinformation Narratives

On 5 November, Moldova held the first round of local elections during a tumultuous period. Disinformation sources focused on discrediting pro-European authorities and candidates, as well as Moldova’s development partners. Pro-Kremlin sources rolled out Russophobia, an important tool of propaganda and disinformation in Moldova. On the eve of the elections, Moldovan authorities took a series of drastic measures to combat disinformation, including banning television channels and blocking websites. Ever since its pro-European government was formed more than two years ago, Moldova has become a top target of Russian disinformation and hybrid attacks. Top topics include the country’s energy dependency or tensions with the Transnistrian region. Throughout this period, Moldovan authorities have taken numerous measures to combat such disinformation. […]

Z Graffiti

Spraying Hate and Slinging Lies

Pro-Kremlin disinformation blurs the line between the digital realm and physical space, amplifying online images of graffiti to fuel offline anti-Semitism while trying to provoke discord and turmoil. When we think about countering pro-Kremlin information manipulation and disinformation, we sometimes fall into the trap of equating the information space with the vast digital realm. Admittedly, since the dawn of the World Wide Web, the digital realm has become a crucial and life-altering part of the information space. However, when it comes to purposeful attempts to manipulate the information space, the boundaries between the digital and the physical can sometimes be blurred. This week, let’s zoom in on a telling example of how this intersection can be exploited for deceitful and manipulative purposes. […]

Maksym Eristavi

Five Myths That Helped Russian Colonialism Remain Hidden in Plain Sight

Exposing Russia as a colonial fascist empire with a history of organized terrorism following a well-established formula is first and foremost about justice says Maksym Eristavi., a Ukrainian journalist and writer who founded the Volya Hub. But it’s also about stopping the popular talk that ‘this is Putin’s war and Russians are victims too.’ It’s about exposing that Russia has always been like this and will remain so unless it faces accountability. But, to quote Shuhada’ Sadaqat (originally known as Sinéad O’Connor, a legend of anti-colonial art), before there’s justice, there must be knowledge and understanding. Until the world stops ignoring the problem of Russian colonialism, regimes and generations in Russia will keep changing, but Russian fascism will keep terrorizing neighboring societies, like mine. […]

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All the Things Left Unsaid

Pro-Kremlin outlets try to turn the main focus onto the Israel-Hamas war while talking up ‘Ukraine fatigue in the West’. They are almost silent about Russia’s atrocious bombardments in Ukraine, Black Sea grain issues, and Nagorno-Karabakh… Russian state outlets have a years-long propensity to focus on how bad the situation is outside Russia, apparently wanting to inoculate Russian society against inspiration from liberal democracies. Now, as the new reality of a protracted war against Ukraine is sinking in throughout Russia, every outside crisis is welcome. No wonder, then, that the Israel-Hamas war and its wider implications are taking centre stage for Moscow’s media machine. The (last) The narrative is now that the conflict in Gaza will consume all the West’s political and military attention and that the UN cannot react(opens in a new tab) due to Western obstruction. […]


Countering Disinformation in Africa: Human Rights Need to Come First

Information manipulation and interference is not a novel phenomenon but one that has escalated in the digital age across the world including in Africa. Trends show that this information disorder is present in both offline and online networks, which also feed into each other. The spread of Foreign Information Manipu-lation and Interference (FIMI) and disinformation also escalates during periods that attract heightened public debate such as elections and incidences of unrest. … As in other continents, many African countries are experiencing a downward trend in freedom of expression and access to information. Both state and non-state actors abuse human rights despite existing frameworks protecting freedom of expression and access to information. […]


Tales from the Freezer

While rumors circulate about the Kremlin’s crypt-keeper chilling in a deep freeze, violent mobs in Daghestan attempted a pogrom-like attack. Mean-while, EUvsDiSiNFO database edges over 16,000 cases of unceasing pro-Kremlin disinformation. For the moment, the Russian disinformation ecosystem appears to have resigned to leave the tales of frozen people in an internal deep freeze, perhaps hoping to thaw them one day. As for now, they are concentrating their efforts on other, if nevertheless familiar, narratives. Moscow has cozied up to Hamas terrorists(opens in a new tab) and spread disin-formation about Hamas’ attack on Israel. These actions beg the question whether the anti-semitic outburst in Daghestan is a warning sign of the chickens coming home to roost. Moscow might be unable to control the situation as the war in Ukraine continues to drain Russian security forces. […]

Poutine Chine

The Kremlin’s Travelling Roadshow

Pro-Kremlin disinformation praises Russia’s real or imaginary friends, attempts to placate people at home, distracts from Russia’s quagmire in Ukraine, blames the West for all the worlds’ ills, and spews conspiracy theories and doomsday prophecies. As Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine continues, pro-Kremlin disinformation outlets are desperate to diversify their palate with any topics that could draw the focus away from Russia’s quagmire in Ukrainian territory. The world is seized by uncertainty and the Kremlin seeks to exploit these tumultuous times to spread its disinformation, distractions, and deceit. This week, we can narrow down the Kremlin’s disinformation stories to two main axioms. First, life in Russia is better than ever and it is surrounded by friends who unflinchingly support the Kremlin. Second, everything that the ‘evil West’ touches turns to dust. Hence, its downfall is inevitable. […]


Peur, haine et ignorance: quand la désinformation du Kremlin s’attaque à la communauté LGBTIQ+

Le Kremlin a de nombreuses étiquettes pour désigner ses ennemis réels et inventés. Il traite certains d’entre eux de nazis. Il en qualifie d’autres de sombres «élites mondiales». Parfois, il s’en prend aux bureaucrates de Bruxelles. Souvent, les experts de la désinformation pro-Kremlin frappent en dessous de la ceinture dans le but de diaboliser leurs adversaires. Le Kremlin ne s’en cache pas. Si vous ne soutenez pas la vision qu’a Poutine pour son pays, alors vous êtes très probablement un défenseur décadent et fier de l’être de la communauté LGBTIQ+. Et LGBTIQ+ est presque toujours synonyme de dégradation morale dans la vision déformée du monde qu’a le Kremlin. […]