Patrice Gueniffey
Françoise Thom

Russia, Forever the Same ?

In my opinion, the great interest of your book lies precisely in the links you weave between the Russia of before, the Russia of always, and the Russia of after: it is the same one, whose genius is purely « oriental » in spite of the puffs of the West that sometimes take hold of this country-continent with uncertain borders. The Italian ramparts of the Kremlin and the facades of the buildings of Saint Petersburg are decoys. A liquid empire, said Michelet, ! […]

Stéphane Coste
Françoise Thom

The François Guizot-Institut de France Prize 2022

While showing the radical novelty of Bolshevism, and Stalin’s techniques for enforcing his tyranny, « The Backward march, a look at Soviet and Russian history » written by Françoise Thom highlights the continuities of Russian history and its constants (ideology, power practices, place and influence of the empire, foreign policy concepts and methods, use of propaganda). The opening of the USSR archives and their abundance has enriched our knowledge of this once closed world and makes certain keys to understanding indispensable: they will also facilitate the approach to post-communist Russia and its difficult past. […]

zelensky odessa
Françoise Thom

A Slippery Slope

The double blackmail exercised by the Russian president, gas blackmail and world famine blackmail, is starting to pay off: the West has just lifted a certain number of sanctions put in place at the start […]

thom accord d'istambul 1a
Françoise Thom

Une pente dangereuse

Le double chantage exercé par le président russe — chantage au gaz, chantage à la famine mondiale — commence à être payant : l’Occident vient de lever un certain nombre de sanctions mises en place après […]